Posts Tagged ‘J.E. Skeets’

That which killed the audio podca[s]t

October 29, 2008

Courtesy of BDL

Initial thoughts:

1. When the mystery is gone the Magic disappears.

2. An applicable quotation from Hardwood Paroxysm [Oct 23 2008]:

“Be careful what you wish for … it may be more awesome than you could possibly imagine.”Matt Moore

3. The first step is always the hardest.

Keep On Truck’n [fellas] … the best is yet to come. 🙂

More Than [just] An Interview

September 16, 2008

First-class work by JE Skeets, BDL …


Skeets: What was your most memorable experience about shooting the doc?

Belman: There were so many great experiences, but I have to say that one of the best was when I found my producing partner on the film. After I graduated from college, I spent two years trying to find a way to finish the film in the right way. Meeting after meeting yielded the same result — everyone wanted to buy the footage of LeBron, and make it a highlight reel. Nobody cared about the other players. Nobody cared about Coach Dru. Certainly nobody cared about a friendship tale of boys becoming men.

After two years of the same meeting, I met Harvey Mason, Jr. He was a successful music producer, and one of my friends used to baby-sit for his family. She set up a meeting for me to ask him some questions, to get some general advice. He had no idea what my film was about — he was taking the meeting as a favor.

After 10 minutes of talking about the film, I showed him a trailer that had been edited for the film. As soon as it was over, he started rifling me with questions: about Coach Dru, about the friendship, about everything except LeBron. I knew at that moment that we were going to finish the film together, and he promised me we’d do it right. He took a chance on me just like Coach Dru and the Fab 5 took a chance on me — I’m just so happy that they’re all so proud of the way the film turned out.


Do yourself a favour … and read the whole thing.

It’s what Life’s about.

Degrees of American patriotism

August 19, 2008

According to JE Skeets, Ball Don’t Lie, a reader [referred to as ‘the Patriot’] has called into question the patriotism of Team USA members, Dwight Howard and Chris Bosh,

The 10-man rotation, starring the Great Brick Wall of China

on account of their physical stance during the pre-game playing of the US national anthem.

” … Am I missing something here? Is this not the Olympics where you are representing your country against all other countries? Even in a regular NBA game you should put your hand over your heart during the national anthem so it boggles me even more so they did not do it during the Olympics. Maybe Chris Bosh has spent too much time in Toronto and forgot how that works. Dwight claims to be Superman, but other than apple pie and baseball, nothing is more American than Superman — no excuses for him. I lost all respect for these two stars. My vote is to force these two to sign with a European team like the rest of the clowns that have left the good ol’ USA in search of the almighty dollar.”


Are you missing something there, ‘the Patriot’?

Well … for the record … please let it be known in the blogosphere that individuals with this specific attitude toward others make this corner disgusted.

Commendations to all Olympians, everywhere … irrespective of the country they’re from … for displaying the best of our human traits … in pursuit of excellence, and through collaboration with one another.

About last night – BDL Live Blogging

May 9, 2008


Participated in a live blogging event yesterday with those in charge at Ball Don’t Lie (Kelly Dwyer & J.E. Skeets), plus others. If you check the record out for yourself, right here …

BDL Live Blog: Hornets at Spurs, Game 3

you will see illustrations of some of what’s been talked about in this space for quite some time, re:

* The answer for the Spurs
* The relative importance (or not) of certain game stats when evaluating Winners vs Losers in an NBA game
* The importance of Individual Match-ups in deciding the outcome of an NBA game
* The role of Momentum in an NBA game
* A specific game changing play in an NBA environment 
* The Moment of Truth in an NBA game
* What a Top Notch Coach Looks For (and sees) as a Turning Point in an NBA game
* What other NBA observers perceive (or not) about the game played at this level of competition

Your feedback is always appreciated here.

PS. The technology used by the BDL crew (and others) to bring this sort of event to the masses seems to be first-rate. Check it out for yourself at … COURTITLIVE.COM.

Antics of an interim head coach

March 6, 2008

* J.E. Skeets, Ball Don’t Lie: Tyrus Thomas suspended two games for missing practice

Watching the debacle that was the Bulls’ meltdown in the final 6 minutes of their recent game @ Cleveland (Mar 2) … what was on display by Jim Boylan (& staff) … as far as his decision-making was concerned, re: his use of Tyrus Thomas (or lackthereof) … was completely SHOCKING.

When the Bulls had Thomas (+5, in 24+ MP) on the floor they were a totally different team compared to when he was shackled to the bench (i.e. every other Bull finished as a minus). 

Boylan’s decision to take TT out of the game at the 05:12 mark of the 4th … CHI 80, Cle 79 … and never put him back in …

was THE reason Chicago lost this contest by 9 points …

in conjunction with his ridiculous decision to replace Ben Gordon with Kirk Hinrich at the 02:37 mark … Cle 85, Chi 83 … after which the Bulls lost contact with the Cavs for good.

When an NBA head coach cannot see that a player is making a ‘positive difference’ for his team’s on-court performance and instead decides to discipline/punish/marginalize/etc. that specific player for his own personal reasons … that cost his team W’s … it’s a major problem … in this case, for the Bulls.

Chicago now has enough 1st-class NBA talent to challenge for a playoff spot this season … and, for the next decade, as well, with a few minor tweaks of their roster this off-season … 

Running of Da Bulls

BUT … not if this type of nonsense is left unattended (or condoned) by their GM.