About last night – BDL Live Blogging


Participated in a live blogging event yesterday with those in charge at Ball Don’t Lie (Kelly Dwyer & J.E. Skeets), plus others. If you check the record out for yourself, right here …

BDL Live Blog: Hornets at Spurs, Game 3

you will see illustrations of some of what’s been talked about in this space for quite some time, re:

* The answer for the Spurs
* The relative importance (or not) of certain game stats when evaluating Winners vs Losers in an NBA game
* The importance of Individual Match-ups in deciding the outcome of an NBA game
* The role of Momentum in an NBA game
* A specific game changing play in an NBA environment 
* The Moment of Truth in an NBA game
* What a Top Notch Coach Looks For (and sees) as a Turning Point in an NBA game
* What other NBA observers perceive (or not) about the game played at this level of competition

Your feedback is always appreciated here.

PS. The technology used by the BDL crew (and others) to bring this sort of event to the masses seems to be first-rate. Check it out for yourself at … COURTITLIVE.COM.

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  1. About last night - BDL Live Blogging | General | Sports Blogging-Wordpress and our take on the G’s-gambling, gaming, girls, guys, governments, golf and more Says:

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