Posts Tagged ‘Dennis Rodman’

In appreciation of the Worm

August 29, 2008

Okay … it’s been a relatively slow week, post Beijing and all.

However, as each day has slipped by the following video clip … via Wednesday’s BDL … just kept lingering in the subconscience of this correspondent:

… as ‘Exhibit A’ pertaining to the only man in the History of the NBA who could actually defend … with aplomb … all 5 positions on the court, against some of the most outstanding athletes (in any sport) of ALL-TIME.

In conjunction with the seemingly outlandish claim of the ZenMaster …

“He could probably play a 48-minute game and play the 48th minute stronger than the first minute of the game,” Jackson told the crowd at UND. “He was that terrific an athlete.”

and what was written in this space last season …

The Worm vs the Winner [Jan 31, 2008]

know that these eyes are in full agreement with the acute observation of Dr. Phil.

Based upon his on-court performance … Dennis Rodman HAS EARNED his place some day in the Basketball Hall Of Fame … and, it will be a d*mn shame if he never gets there.

Sacred hoopsters for all-time

June 2, 2008

If you could choose but 12 players and 2 coaches from amongst all those who have ever played the game to form YOUR personal team, and represent what it is YOU stand for, on and off the court …

Who would these 14 be?

These are mine:

PG – Magic Johnson
OG – Michael Jordan
SF – Larry Bird
PF – Kevin McHale
C – Bill Russell

Oscar Robertson, Jerry West, Julius Erving, Dennis Rodman, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Rick Barry, Hakeem Olajuwon

Head Coach:
Red Auerbach

Assistant Coach:
Phil Jackson


Who is on YOUR team for all-time?

NBA at 50

The Worm vs The Winner

January 31, 2008

I miss Dennis Rodman, too … and share with other Hoops Crazies (like Kelly Dwyer) an almost inexhaustible appreciation for (i) the way ‘The Worm’ played the game – ‘full throttle‘, at all times – and, (ii) the single best attribute of  his generally under-appreciated ‘game’, his seemingly unparalleled ability to just ‘go & get it’. 

As an NBA ‘original’ … Dennis Rodman was, without question, the best rebounding (and, perhaps, as well, defensive) player I’ve ever seen … who stood under 6’9, in his stocking feet.

That said … ‘The Worm’ who patrolled the hardwood and devoured the glass, unrelentingly, first and foremost for the Pistons’ ‘Bad Boyz’ and, secondarily for Da (‘best-team-of-all-time’) Bulls (beside MJ & Pip) … remains only the 2nd Best Rebounder, in the history of the NBA, according to these eyes.

When comparing ‘Glass Masters’ across eras (and with no insult intended toward ‘The Worm’), there remains today one other ‘Gentlemen Giant ‘ (of The Game) who still reigns supreme above the ‘Rainbow Haired, Flesh-embroidered, Human Pin Cushion’, in terms of sheer ‘Rebounding Proficiency’.

During his illustrious career, the indominable Bill Russell (Boston Celtics, C, 6’9) … who collected 11 NBA Championships over a span of 13 years … is still most deserving of the title, “Best Rebounder in NBA history”.

And, when it comes to deciding which one of these two ‘Pantheons of Hoop’ I miss more – although the similarity between their images can, at certain times, be striking …

Bill Russell Rebounding vs Dennis Rodman Rebounding

… it isn’t even remotely close.

“There are two types of superstars (in the NBA). One makes himself look good at the expense of the other guys on the floor. But there’s another type who makes the players around him look better than they are, and that’s the type (Bill) Russell was.” — Don Nelson

In our lifetime, we will never see His kind again.