
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

16 Responses to “About”

  1. The Frozen Fan Says:

    Bold prediciton on the Leafs, but the way Steen and Stajan are stepping up, I can easily see it happening. Just so long as they knock out the Bruins and not the Flyers.

  2. FLUXLAND Says:

    Yo! Does U of PHX mean anything to you?

  3. FLUXLAND Says:

    well? does is it?

  4. The Frozen Fan Says:

    How do you feel about the Leafs’ chances in light of last night’s loss to the Bruins? The prognosis doesn’t look good. How is the center of hockey reacting?

  5. khandor Says:


    First response …

    Fortes fortuna adiuvat.
    Virgil (
    Aeneid, Roman epic poet, 70 BC – 19 BC)

    Second response …

    “(they’re) … done like dinner.”
    – Dave (Tiger) Williams (former Maple Leafs’ pugilist from back-in-the-day)

    Third response …


    Where the franchise goes from here will now be determined by the search for a new GM that is supposed to happen this summer.

    IMHO … the Core Covenant has been established by the 4 men I mentioned before … unless, of course, it’s undone by whomever it is Richard Peddie, Larry Tanenbaum, Cliff Fletcher and Gordon Kirke decide to hire as the “Bryan Colangelo” for the Toronto Maple Leafs.

  6. khandor Says:


    Are you speaking to me?


  7. FLUXLAND Says:

    Yes, Sir!

  8. khandor Says:


    I am not familiar with ‘U of PHX’.

  9. FLUXLAND Says:

    hmmm… that’s odd…

  10. khandor Says:


    In what way is that odd?

  11. FLUXLAND Says:


    “put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from.”

  12. hessiej Says:

    Hi there Khandor. I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on basketball blogs and authorities in Canada. I’m a basketball fan myself and want to connect with some leading authorities in this space. I am a social media geek and blogger but I also work for a company whose clients are itching to learn more about the space. This one client wants to pursue an outreach program with influencers such as yourself. They are a major sports apparel company and want to connect with their customers. There are opportunities for that may be appealing to you. Please review my blog http://hessiej.com to give you an idea about me. In the meantime, my email is hessiej@yahoo.ca or phone me 416-203-2224 ext 119

  13. Bryan Says:


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  14. Luis Says:

    I visited your blog and I was wondering if I can recommend it. Since many of our audience are sport fans, I am sure they would love to visit a blog like yours.
    Let me know if this is ok. Thanks for your time and take care.

  15. khandor Says:


    Recommend away. šŸ™‚

  16. Anthony Lasala Says:

    Khandor, hit me up.

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